Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic Treatment in Sangamner

If we hear the word “Orthodontic Treatment” then we are getting confused because we don’t hear the word in general dental treatment. Dr. Kumudini Ghule is a dentist in Sangamner explains in simple words, an orthodontist is a dental specialist in treating or correcting wrongly positioned teeth with the help of various types of braces and appliances. If you think you have crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, forward placed teeth, wrongly positioned jaws then you would need to meet an orthodontist in Sangamner. We belive in providing best atomsphere in the field of orthodontist hence orthodontist team carrying out the orthodontic treatment.

Why should I have orthodontic treatment?

Many people have crowded or crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatment will straighten the teeth or move them into a better position. This can improve their appearance and the way the teeth bite together, while also making them easier to clean. Some people have upper front teeth that stick out and look unsightly. These ‘prominent’ teeth are more likely to be damaged, but orthodontic treatment can move them back into line or the way the upper and lower jaws meet can cause teeth to look unsightly and lead to an incorrect bite. Orthodontic treatment may be able to correct both of these problems. When the teeth don’t meet correctly, this can put a strain on the muscles of the jaw, causing the jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment can help you to bite more evenly and reduce the strain. 

What are the Orthodontic Treatment options?

Many different types of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances are used to help move teeth, retrain facial muscles, and affect the growth of the jaws.


the most common fixed appliances, braces consist of bands, wires, and/or brackets. Bands are fixed around the teeth or tooth and used as anchors for the appliance, while brackets are most often bonded to the front of the tooth.

Fixed space maintainers :

if a baby tooth is lost prematurely, a space maintainer is used to keep the space open until the permanent tooth erupts. A band is attached to the tooth next to the empty space, and a wire is extended to the tooth on the other side of the space.


an alternative to traditional braces for adults, serial aligners are being used by an increasing number of orthodontists to move teeth in the same way that fixed appliances work, only without metal wires and brackets.

Removable space maintainers:

these devices serve the same function as fixed space maintainers. They're made with an acrylic base that fits over the jaw and has plastic or wire branches between specific teeth to keep the space between them open.

Jaw repositioning appliances:

also called splints, these devices are worn on either the top or lower jaw, and help train the jaw to close in a more favorable position. They may be used for temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ).

Lip and cheek bumpers:

these are designed to keep the lips or cheeks away from the teeth. Lip and cheek muscles can exert pressure on the teeth, and these bumpers help relieve that pressure.

Get in touch

For quality and affordable dental cover, join the best dental treatment clinic in Sangamner. Dr. Kumudini is a dentist in Sangamner and offers dental treatment for different dental problems. To book an appointment please calls us today on 0899094497.